Saturday, April 3, 2010

Foster Sonny Update

Hello hound lovers, it is foster Sonny once again.  Did you catch the FOSTER
in front of my name? I am looking for someone to call me Sonny.

As you know, dad calls me Tater from napping on the couch. Hope you don't mind if I nap
on yours. I met the little jack russel terrier from next door yesterday. I was really interested
but only to give him kisses and wanted to play. The cats caugh my eye more than dad
liked so we had to leave. I can also help with the following.
Loading the dish washer:
Unloading the washing machine:
Folding clothes:
Pulling clothes off the ironing board:
Giving you wet nose kisses when you get out of the shower: (-:
Jumping on the bed when the morning alarms goes off to make sure your awake:
Checking all the food bowls to search for a dropped kibble.
Help you clean the nose prints off the doors so I can add more later.
See, I am just the normal hound that is STILL looking for my forever home.
Foster Sonny....... 
(Posted for Wayne)

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