Monday, March 1, 2010

Hello everyone. Once again Sonny here to update my blog!

After the winter gathering I came home to a new foster family. I hear they do that to see how we react in different situations and to see what type of forever home I will be happy with. I could really get used to the rides in the vans where I like to stand and look out. At times I like to stand between the seats and give kisses. Yes, I am a kisser, don't you just love to have your face kissed? Trips to Sonic are good also where I get something called ice cream!

I seem to have a new kickname. Foster dad calls me "Tater". I guess that is because I like to nap on the couch. He tells me fosters are not allowed on the furniture but hey doesn't furniture start with FUR? I sleep through the night on my bed next to the humans with the hounds that live here. While the humans are away I stay in my crate but that is not a problem either. I don't bark or cause a problem. Meal and treat time, I am first in line.

Dad was giving me an "A" on what he calls potty training. I got a little excited to see him when he came in from work and had a little accident while running happy circles. But to be honest I heard the resident hound Zane has been known to have the same thing happen.

I just turned two years old which means I am more active than some of the other hounds but that doesn't mean I am a bad doggie . I saw my reflection in the dishwasher last week and turned my head from side to side wondering who the other dog was. I love watching Animal Planet to hear the other dogs bark. Like a teenager, I also love my long-long naps. A cuddle nap is fine with me. Don't forget to scratch my ears!

Foster parents say they have had fosters for years and I am a keeper to the first lucky person that is interested.

Sonny.. aka Tater

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